Friday, September 26, 2014

Are you a Board Member? Get D&O before you say Uh Oh!

Are you a Board Member flapping in the wind of Liability because you dont have any Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance?

Every director and officer of a homeowner association board has personal responsibility for HOA business. The basic purpose of Directors and Officers insurance is to protect directors and officers from claims made because of wrongful (or allegedly wrongful) acts or omissions made while acting in their individual or collective capacity on behalf of the homeowners association.

will not protect directors and officers in the same way. This insurance is to cover against third party bodily injury and property damage. Directors and Officers insurance covers against third party financial damages and other claims not covered under General liability.

Here's a list of scenarios in which directors and officers have liability:
  • Continuing a wrongful practice after learning it's wrong
  • Libel or slander
  • Failing to pay HOA debts in a timely manner
  • Improper management resulting in losses
  • Receiving personal gain while performing as director or officer
  • Making decisions based on adequate information and advised judgment
  • Ignorance of HOA books and records
  • Verifying content of official documents before signing
  • Obedience to the governing documents
  • Self dealing
  • Aiding and abetting illegal actions of others
  • Conflict of interest
  • Carelessness in conducting business or legal matters
  • Failing to see what could be seen by merely looking
  • Inducing intentional or careless wrongdoing
  • Ignoring statutory or regulatory requirements
  • Insufficient oversight of officers or employees
  • Nondisclosure of questionable or unlawful actions
  • Willful wrongdoing 

  • Why you need Coverage:
    Other Claim Examples:  

    More Info:

    If you have any other questions, Please give me a call.

    Michael Fillers, CPIA
    Morris Insurance Agency, LLC
    3032 Dauphin Square Connector
    Mobile, AL 36607
    O - 251-473-5119
    F - 251-473-6301
    C - 251-753-8011
    How I met JESUS in the flesh and HE saved me:
    Matt 24:46-47
    "Blessed is he whom his master will find at work when he arrives. Truly I tell you, he will put that one in charge of all his possessions." 

    Monday, September 22, 2014

    Another Sisters Testimony of Faith in Jesus Christ--T.H.

    Personal Testimony of Faith

                   My first memories of being in a church and exposed to the Christian faith was when I visited my grandparents in the summers growing up.  When I was very small, my grandparents would take me to a small country church near their farm every Sunday morning and for one week during the summer I got to go to a “camp meeting” in an outdoor setting where there were hours of singing and preaching.  They were Methodists and my mother took me to a Methodist church in the city where I grew up.  I loved to watch a television show in the early 1960s called “Aunt Beka’s Bible Stories” starring Beka Horton (who later founded aBeka Christian curriculum for schools and Pensacola Christian College).  She founded a camp in Cantonment, Florida (just miles from Pensacola) called Camp O’ the Pines and when I was in the first grade, my mother sent me there.  It was at that camp that the message of salvation was first shared with me through a book called the “Wordless Book” full of pages of color.  This book fascinated me because of the lesson behind the beautiful colors: the black page was for sin in our lives, red for Jesus’ blood shed for us, white for being washed white as snow, green for growing in Christ, and my personal favorite, sparkling gold for heaven.  I remember going forward during the invitation and asking Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me.  He has been with me ever since.  When I was thirteen, I went forward at an invitation at my Christian school and at that time prayed and asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life forever.
                   When I was eight years old, my mother purchased a used spinet piano for me and I began to learn to play.  At thirteen, I played the organ for my first wedding at my home church and was asked to play for Sunday services.  I have been playing in churches ever since.  My choir director also found that I had a singing voice and I began singing in youth choir, then in college, then on television and radio, and most recently in the choir in the Mobile Passion Play at my church. 

                   I have always wanted to further the Gospel of Jesus in my life and in the lives of others.  I enjoy the outreach ministries that I have been a part of in the Christian college that I attended for a while and in the churches that I have been associated with and a member of over the years.  If asked what my beliefs are, I would have to say that I believe that the Bible is without error and is given to man by inspiration of God; that Jesus Christ is the Son of God the Father; and that the Holy Spirit is sent to convict non-believers and to dwell in the hearts of believers to minister to them.  The purpose of the Christian is to glorify God in their lives and to be the voice and feet of God to others.

    Thursday, September 18, 2014

    How I met Jesus and HE saved me...

    Jesus saving me...09-10-2008

    A college friend of mine asked me on a while ago – What’s up with all of the religious post all of the time? Hope ur doing well. Why do u use FB to channel all of ur religious beliefs? Just wondering?—My answer is—-well i guess you can say it really comes down to 1 question: If you were to die today, do you know 100% for sure you would go to Heaven? I thought i was sure till 9/10/2008 and i got really sick and thought i was going to die…I prayed from Noon till about midnight to Jesus to take my life and kill me because i was hurting so bad..i couldnt talk and was shaking and sweating like a crazy person…i was crying out to Him, as if He didn’t already know everything about me even before I was born,,,,that i had plenty of life insurance for my family so they would be fine & begging Him to take my life OR to save me and I would worship Him and Praise His name and tell others about Him for the rest of my, in the fetal position against the head board of my bed i prayed that prayer of take my life or leave here to Glorify you Jesus for about 12 hours(Noon till about Midnight) …then @ midnight I looked up and at the end of my bed I saw Jesus standing right there in the flesh. This was no vision or dream, it was JESUS.. I looked into my makers eyes only to hear Him say dont you know how much i love you, dont you know how much i care for you. That everything in the Bible is about me and I am the Truth and I am LOVE…. that you dont have to suffer, just trust in me and i will give you the New life the Bible talks about…then i had only what I can call an outer body experience and saw my self when I got baptized, first communion, confirmation, and even my marriage and how I was doing it just to go through the motions and it wasn’t sincere and all about given all the Glory to Jesus. like was supposed to be. Bottom Line, I was a Catholic(a religion) not a Christian(a believer in Jesus) I didn’t have my Heart in it….then He said some Joyous words that I will NEVER forget. Jesus told me, “NOW IS NOT YOUR TIME, BE HEALED”…and immediately the pain I had in my stomach for the prior 14 or so hours was GONE! Also, immediately gone was the constant GREEDINESS I had to make as much money as possible. Staying up day and night to try to find the next deal to make more money as if that would fill some kind of void or make me truly happy because it never did. I just wanted more and more…Something that also changed was something that had never been there before, a complete and total urge to WANT TO learn more about Jesus, the Bible and whatever HE wanted my life to be like….its the difference of WANTING TO GO TO CHURCH TO PRAISE HIM vs having to go to church because you have done it your whole life, or at least I did being a good Catholic boy…So here we are where we started, it really comes down to 1 question: If you were to die today, do you know 100% for sure you would go to Heaven? have the question again…I can say without a doubt YES!..can you? if you want to learn how you can say yes, call me or contact me.

    if anyone would like a full audio version,

    How I met JESUS in the flesh and HE saved me:

    Matt 24:46-47-"Blessed is he whom his master will find at work when he arrives. Truly I tell you, he will put that one in charge of all his possessions."
    This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system.”

    Wednesday, September 10, 2014

    9/10/2008 - The day I met Jesus...


    Jesus saving me...
    A college friend of mine asked me on Facebook a while ago – What’s up with all of the religious post all of the time? Hope ur doing well. Why do u use FB to channel all of ur religious beliefs? Just wondering?—My answer is—-well i guess you can say it really comes down to 1 question: If you were to die today, do you know 100% for sure you would go to Heaven? I thought i was sure till 9/10/2008 and i got really sick and thought i was going to die…I prayed from Noon till about midnight to Jesus to take my life and kill me because i was hurting so bad..i coulnt talk and was shaking and sweating like a crazy person…i was crying out to Him, as if He didn’t already know everything about me even before I was born,,,,that i had plenty of life insurance for my family so they would be fine & begging Him to take my life OR to save me and I would worship Him and Praise His name and tell others about Him for the rest of my, in the fetal position against the head board of my bed i prayed that prayer of take my life or leave here to Glorify you Jesus for about 12 hours(Noon till about Midnight) …then @ midnight I looked up and at the end of my bed I saw Jesus standing right there in the flesh. This was no vision or dream, it was JESUS.. I looked into my makers eyes only to hear Him say dont you know how much i love you, dont you know how much i care for you. That everything in the Bible is about me and I am the Truth and I am LOVE…. that you dont have to suffer, just trust in me and i will give you the New life the Bible talks about…then i had only what I can call an outer body experience and saw my self when I got baptized, first communion, confirmation, and even my marriage and how I was doing it just to go through the motions and it wasn’t sincere and all about given all the Glory to Jesus. like was supposed to be. Bottom Line, I was a Catholic(a religion) not a Christian(a believer in Jesus) I didn’t have my Heart in it….then He said some Joyous words that I will NEVER forget. Jesus told me, “NOW IS NOT YOUR TIME, BE HEALED”…and immediately the pain I had in my stomach for the prior 14 or so hours was GONE! Also, immediately gone was the constant GREEDINESS I had to make as much money as possible. Staying up day and night to try to find the next deal to m ake more money as if that would fill some kind of void or make me truly happy because it never did. I just wanted more and more…Something that also changed was something that had never been there before, a complete and total urge to WANT TO learn more about Jesus, the Bible and whatever HE wanted my life to be like….its the difference of WANTING TO GO TO CHURCH TO PRAISE HIM vs having to go to church because you have done it your whole life, or at least I did being a good Catholic boy…So here we are where we started, it really comes down to 1 question: If you were to die today, do you know 100% for sure you would go to Heaven? have the question again…I can say without a doubt YES!..can you? if you want to learn how you can say yes, call me or go here or both… - if anyone would like a full audio version, send me your email address and i will send it to you via DROPBOX

    Tuesday, September 9, 2014

    House Boat or Boat House interesting risk

    House Boat or Boat House interesting risk

    I Look forward to placing this risk..more to come..